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Showing posts with the label Baby Come Home

Guest Post Wed: Elizabeth Kail Arnita's Inspiration

What is the inspiration behind writing “Baby Come Home”? When I hear of taste or see something good, I have to let others know. The same rings true for a good story. “Baby Come Home” was inspired by a true-life story that proved to be a good life lesson. My daughter was in the rebellious teen years when every rule was viewed as a hindrance to her growing up and enjoying life. She would often tell me I was caging her and stopping her from experiencing the world.    At that time, we had a beautiful bird named “Baby”. He belonged to my son, Sam. He was an unusually friendly bird that seemed to enjoy exploring our home from the perch of someone’s shoulder. Often we would take Baby outside, but kept him in the confinement of his cage. My daughter seemed to have transposed her feelings of entrapment onto Baby and decided one day he didn’t need a cage outside. She defiantly placed him on her shoulder and preceded to head outside, thinking the bird loved her too much to fly aw

BTR's World of Ink Network Featured Show: Stories for Children

Featured BTR World of Ink Network Show Stories for Children on January 7, 2013 at 2pm EST - 1pm CDT - 12 (noon) MDT - 11am PST Join hosts VS Grenier & Marsha Casper (our guest host) as they chat with debute children's author Elizabeth Kail Arnita about her Chirstian Children's Picture Book, BABY COME HOME published by Halo Publishing Int. “Baby Come Home” is a story of the young bird, “Baby”, who learns the value of unconditional love and acceptance after he decides to break free from the confinement of his cage and those who love him most. The story gives children a different perspective on rules and why we need to obey them while also offering a teaching on the unconditional love our perfect God has for His imperfect people. All proceeds from book sales support Welcome the Children, a nonprofit helping children in poverty. ISBN:  978-1-61244-087-3 Elizabeth Arnita is the youngest of 12 children. She learned early in life about family dynamics and