I'm excited about today's interview for a few reasons. The BIGGEST reason is because Traci and I are friends. We actually live about a mile from each other, are both on the Heritage Writers Guild (a chapter of the League of Utah Writers) board, attend the same church, have kids at the same schools and both write. The other reason why I'm excited to have her as my guest author interview is because Traci McDonald is my inspiration to keep writing. Now I know she will tell you it is the other way around, but honestly, this woman is amazing and everyone who gets a chance to meet her will say the same thing. She's not only a great writer, but she is blind too and doesn't let it stop her. I know I have grown a lot because of our friendship and I hope this small interview will help to inspire you to keep doing what you love no matter what. About Traci McDonald: Traci McDonald has been a writer since she figured out how to make words on a page. Traci wrote for English ...
Opening a Chapter of Inspiration Served with a Heavy Dose of Reality