Title of Book: The Adventures of Sir Buddy and Mr. Pupples: The Rescue Publisher: Halo Publishing, Int. ISBN Number: 978-7-61244-307 -2 Genre of Book: Children's Picture Book Places where book will be available for sale: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Ingram Author: Richard McEwan Illustrator: Amy Rottinger Author Website: www.twodogstales.com About the Book: This is an engaging story for children to read or have read to them about a lost puppy. Hopefully, it will encourage young ones to think about the story when they come upon a stray dog or cat; and seek the guidance of an adult in helping to find it's family...or new home. What Reviewers are Saying: "This is a story that will keep kids reading and re-reading the book. I loved the book and the story line. I have a real soft spot for stray dogs and cats anyways. So, this story really intrigued me, as it will most young readers. The ...
Opening a Chapter of Inspiration Served with a Heavy Dose of Reality