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Showing posts with the label word processing software

Award-winning Author Lisa Umina on Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children –May 30, 2011

Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network Show: Stories for Children with hosts VS Grenier, Kris Quinn Christopherson and Irene Roth will be chatting with award-winning author Lisa Umina about her Milo book series (Milo Finds His Best Friend, Milo Moments & Milo and the Green Wagon) . Lisa Umina’s cute and cuddly character, Milo has accompanied her around the globe as she has shared her mission through humor, live entertainment and faith. The Milo book series gives children a compelling message that children can talk to God anytime, anywhere…about anything. Lisa Umina is the owner of Halo Publishing International. Lisa not only publishes books but also enjoys a successful career as an award-winning author, motivational speaker and literary consultant. Lisa´s publishing company continues to flourish by strengthening the movement of words across the international borders in order to benefit cultures and society as a whole. She has been interviewed by countless newspapers, radio and...

Guest Post with illustrator Ronda Eden - part of the World of Ink May '11 Virtual Tour

Publishing Tips (dos and don'ts) By Ronda Eden Illustrator of "The Brothers Foot" This is the one I’m betting Steve, the author, is avoiding. I know this because we are alike in that promotion, publishing and all the business parts of our work is hardly our forte. Like most artists, we just want to be left alone to do our art. We are however, making an effort...but it’s not easy. I think I could offer a few tips though as I do some writing for children as well.   First: Keep up with the latest trends and how things are quickly changing. Second: As much as you may not like Facebook and other social networks, they are fast becoming a necessity if you want to get the word out there. Do keep some boundaries tough. It’s easy to get distracted and led astray. Third: Be careful of self-publishing companies. Make sure you understand the costs involved. Realize you are probably going to have to buy your own books and usually in bulk to get any kind of profit margin. Some of th...

WOI Tour Author Spotlight with Renee Hand

  Renee Hand is an award-winning author, educator, tennis coach and various other things. Hand has been writing for over twenty years and has six publications. She also writes for various chronicles and newsletters, as well as reviews for various authors of children´s books on her blog, . Renee Hand's love for reading and writing started when she was a child. Renee always had a passion for it and remembers frequently wearing out the stone steps to the local library. When in a bookstore, she would sit in the middle of an aisle perusing a novel that she was eagerly going to purchase, but couldn’t wait to read. Often, when Renee has extra time, she will write stories that pop into her head...locking herself in her room for hours. Now that Renee is older, her love for reading and writing has not diminished. In fact, it has only become a bigger par...

Write Without Distractions: The Best Online Applications

Sarah P. has an online accounting degree but hopes to add a degree in social work to her resume. Distracted writing is often not good writing. As a consequence, a number of people have gone out of their way to develop software that makes it a fair amount more difficult to be sidetracked by the countless things that aren't word processing software available on any computer, regardless of platform. Here are a handful of them, where to find them and how they work:  FocusWriter   FocusWriter is a full-screen word processor intended to make the creative process as immersive as possible by making your typing appear at the very front of the screen, surrounded by nothing but a customizable theme or background. It offers a handful of tools and customization options only visible when your mouse is at one particular point on the screen, which then goes away when your mouse moves. The software provides real-time statistics about how much you've written and allows you to ...