For those who have known me since the beginning of my writing career know I have offered a free monthly, then later every other month a newsletter for writers. In 2009, SFC Newsletter for Writers was even in Writer's Digest as one of the 101 Best Newsletters/Websites. I was so excited and shocked when this happened. Even some of my blog posts I've written for this blog and others have appeared in SFC Newsletter for Writers; along with regular contributions from other writers, tips, market information and much more. I've enjoyed putting SFC Newsletter for Writers together each issue. I've learned so much from working on it. It's hard to believe I started offering SFC Newsletter for Writers back in 2006 and now six years have gone by. It's been a fun run but with the demands of family and personal writing goals, I have decided to close its doors. I'm working on the very last issue to send to my subscriber list, which has doubled and tripled over the years....
Opening a Chapter of Inspiration Served with a Heavy Dose of Reality