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Showing posts with the label Mind Over Matter Books

Interview Friday with author Kasey Crawford Kellem

Kasey Crawford Kellem, a School Counselor and former Special Education Teacher, has devoted her life to helping children facing adversity be resilient. Kasey created Mind Over Matter (M.O.M.) books to teach children skills to overcome life’s challenges. She has earned a Bachelor’s Degree and Masters Degree in Special Education and an Educational Specialist Degree in Counseling. She is a devoted wife, stepmother, sister, daughter and counselor. Kellem is touring her first book in the Mind Over Matter (M.O.M) Books, BELIEVE , which just released and is the first of five books emphasizing the important factors for resiliency. In this book, children will learn to BELIEVE in their possibilities. You can get a sneak peek of the book BELIEVE and listen to an interview with Kasey Crawford Kellem at .   The additional M.O.M Books are due to release soon later in 2012: LOVE ; LAUGH ; RELAX and DREAM . VS: Kasey, it is wonderful to have you here with us t...

Blogcritics Interview: Spotlight with Kasey Crawford Kellem, Creator of M.O.M. Books

Kasey Crawford Kellem is a school counselor and a former Special Education teacher. She has recently devoted her life to helping children who face adversity to be resilient. Kellem created a series of children’s books titled Mind Over Matter, or M.O.M Books, to help teach preschoolers to be resilient. Kellem believes by starting at a young age we can teach our children the skills to overcome life’s challenges. “Everyone faces tumultuous times in their lives,” Kellem shared and this couldn’t be more true. Kellem said she grew up in a traditional nuclear family that included her mom, dad and three sisters. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Special Education. She also has an Educational Specialist Degree in counseling. While growing up, Kellem said, “I played a lot of sports and percussion instruments in band. I was pretty much the class clown. I knew then laughter helps people get through some rotten times.” Read more:

Guest Post on the Inspiration Behind Writing "Believe" by Kasey Crawford Kellem, Creator of M.O.M Books

The inspiration behind writing Believe and info on the other Mind Over Matter (M.O.M) Books by Kasey Crawford Kellem RESILIENCY: Since I began in education over 20 years ago, I had been intrigued by how children and adults rebounded in life. I studied the characteristics of resiliency in Graduate School and Post Grad School. Determined to somehow teach children how to be resilient, I later came up with the book idea. Book writing had not only been something I wanted to do since I was a child, but also something my mother encouraged me to do! It made perfect sense to combine my mission with my childhood dream! I was on a mission to help children become resilient. In order to be resilient, I knew children needed to BELIEVE in their possibilities, RELAX often, LAUGH at playful experiences, DREAM about inspiring futures, and LOVE those they encounter. And so the book series began: Believe ; Love ; Laugh ; Relax ; and Dream . After further thought, the company, Mind Over Matter (M.O....