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Showing posts with the label creating believable characters

Guest Post: Creating Believable Characters

When dealing with fictional characters, it’s crucial to remember that real people rarely know themselves. We often don’t know our minds, we don’t understand why we’re doing some of the things we’re doing, and we cannot really access our subconscious. So what makes a fictional character believable and memorable at the same time? 3 Tips for Creating Believable Characters 1. Pay attention to the world around you Wherever you go, listen to people around you. People from all areas of the country make for interesting speech patterns and distinct dialects. Usually, the uniqueness of a character comes from the writer's ability to make it come to life. For instance, if you have a character from the Deep South, it is probably indicated to give that character a southern accent, so that you make it ring true. For a character to be believable, the character's voice has to be believable. Moreover, you will avoid a static story by using compelling dialogue. 2. Read your f