Finding time to write can always be a challenge. We have families and interruptions, jobs and children. Lives take over and, I can honestly say, I can get so busy that I can’t remember what day it is. But, in the early morning or late evening is when I can write for long periods of time without interruption. It is my time for myself to do what I need to do. It is peaceful. During the day with so much activity, it is hard to function. We must all find time for ourselves to write, but we also must find time for ourselves to take breaks as well. Believe it or not, for me, it brings more clarity. As writers, we can get so close to our writing that we miss some of our own mistakes because we are so close to it, so by stepping away for a little bit, we are able to see those mistakes. Now, I will also fit in a half hour here and there during the day. My boys and I have read time as well as quiet time for all of us to recharge our batteries. These times are great to get a few pa...
Opening a Chapter of Inspiration Served with a Heavy Dose of Reality