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Showing posts with the label YMCA

Summer Reading Programs on The Stories for Children Show

Listen to the Stories for Children Show Monday July 28, 2014 at 6pm Eastern - 5pm Central - 4pm Mountain - 3pm Pacific for a special on Summer Reading Programs and Book Clubs. Mom's Choice & Award-winning Author Virginia S Grenier will be talking about the importance of children and teens reading through the summer months. Our guest today is Rebecca Kelley, the National Director of Achievement Gap Initiatives of the YMCA. During 12 years with the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, Rebecca co-led a multi-sector community team that developed the award-winning Cincinnati Community Learning Center initiative and academic enrichment programs, including CincyAfterSchool, a 2013 nominee for National Summer Learning Association’s Award of Excellence. Through school-community partnership, Cincinnati produced a rise in graduation rates during the past decade from 50 percent to 82 percent, and a reduction in the achievement gap from 14.5 percent to 4.5 percent. Prior to join...