Co-Authors Tom Listul and Heather Listul Hewitt to be Featured Guests on RRRadio-RFK: Stories for Children
For Immediate Release Co-Authors Tom Listul and Heather Listul Hewitt to be Featured Guests on RRRadio-RFK: Stories for Children –March 21, 2011 Blog Talk Radio’s Robin Falls Kids Show: Stories for Children with hosts (VS Grenier, D.M. Cunningham and Kris Quinn Christopherson) will be chatting with father and daughter author team Tom Listul and Heather Listul Hewitt about their book, Monkey Made Dream . Tom and Heather will also be sharing writing tips, and trials and tribulations of the writer’s life. Tom Listul wrote Monkey Made Dream with his daughter, Heather Listul Hewitt, when she was eight years old. A farmer from southwest Minnesota, he is also a singer/songwriter. Listul made Monkey Made Dream into a children’s song and has sang it at numerous coffee houses and children’s classrooms. Hewitt is now a speech-language pathologist, who works for a school district with students of all ages. She enjoys helping children develop literacy skills and a love for rea...