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Showing posts with the label journaling your joys

Grow in Creativity with Creative Journaling

What daily practice can help you grow in creativity, both in the arts and in problem solving? Keep a creative journal, and you will amaze yourself with your own innovations. Remember that there is no one right way to keep a journal. Creative journaling is about trying things until you find your own favorite methods of expressing yourself. First, let yourself off the hook when it comes to having every page picture perfect. Either use a looseleaf and discard the mistakes, or invest in some erasable pens. Better yet, learn to see an occasional mess as an inevitable sign of your own humanness, and nothing to be ashamed of. Mistakes are simply stepping stones in your growth and understanding. Besides, your journal is for you and no one else, unless you decide to make it public. Who cares about an occasional flub? So don't let perfectionism stop you in your tracks. Now that that's been said, let's consider what it means to be creative in your journal. POETRY: A journal ...

Journal and Discover Your Authentic Self: Gust Post with Shery Russ‏

How long have you been journaling? I've been journaling for over 15 years and it is one of the most freeing  activities I have ever done. My journal is the one place where I can completely be myself and simply let go. Over the years, my journals have helped me sort through issues and make sense of the things happening in my  life. My journals reflect the real me, the authentic me.   How authentically are you living your life right now? Is there synergy between your inner world (your feelings, values, beliefs, needs, passions) and outer world (relationships, job, home)?   When you live your life authentically, there is congruence between these two worlds. You close the gap between who you are, what you do and what you want others to get about you. Others get the real you when you speak from the heart and walk your talk.   Authenticity and personal power go hand in hand. The more you live authentically, the more personal power you possess. Even though you may ...