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Showing posts with the label Picture Books

SugarPaw is back for another adventure and a bit more mischief - Pledge your suppot Today!

Whistle Beans is the second book in the SugarPaw Adventure series. The first book, Babysitting SugarPaw is a Silver Mom's Choice and 2011 Silver Quill Award-winner. The artwork found inside the series is done by Illustrator and Animator Kevin Scott Collier. BEHIND THE STORY - The concepts for the books in the SugarPaw Adventure series are from my personal life. When I was little, I couldn't whistle. A family friend, Charlie Baker, was one of the best whistlers and I wanted to have a strong whistle like his. I practiced everyday...but never got much out beyond the WHOOSHING sound of air passing my lips. It was the holidays when Charlie shared his secret to a strong whistle with me over a big Christmas Dinner at my family's house. A memory I cherishes to this day! SugarPaw will share this secret with young readers all over the world in his second children's book adventure, which is also dedicated to the lovi

Stories for Children Show - Why Picture Books are Important

The Stories for Children Show can be listened to every other Monday on BTR's Featured World of Ink Network at 4pm EDT. Host Virginia S. Grenier is an Award-winning, Mom's Choice Honoree and Advocate of Reading and Writing. This week's show guest include Marsha Casper Cook, Patti Brassard Jefferson, Judy Snider, Lin Floyd and other children's author. They will be discussing the importance of picture and early chapter books. How parents need to have these resources at home and not rely on schools to introduce children to these frist-steps of finding the written word. The discussion will also talk about what publishers and readers are looking for in good books for young readers. Listeners are invited to post questions in the chatroom or call in to ask a question. You can learn more about the World of Ink Network, Our Hosts and Guest at Listen to the show at

St. George Book Festival Recap

It's Saturday October 19th and the St. George area community begins making its way into the Lexington Hotel Ballroom. It's still early as authors are setting up their tables to greet, talk and sign books for eager lovers of the written word...and it's only 9am. The day is just beginning. David W. Smith and VS Grenier welcome those who have begun to show up. It's time to get the Book Expo underway and all the exciting events Smith and Grenier have planned for the day. Guest speaker John Sebba shares some poetry with our gathered audience before winners of the 2013 Youth Poetry is announced. Author and poet Lin Floyd steals the show as she announces the 2013 Youth Poetry winners. Many of the winners are present to not only receive their award, but also to read their poems to all in attendance. Now for a bit of fun. David W. Smith and VS Grenier have added another fun treat to the St. George Book Festival this year beyond the Charity Dinner Friday Night (Oct.

Book Review: Not Even the SKY is the LIMIT!

It's not often you find yourself trying to find the right words about a book. This is one of those times. Not Even the SKY is the LIMIT! is a book all families should pick up. It inspires, motivates and expresses no matter what we all have dreams. There are no limits beyond the ones we place on ourselves. However, it doesn't mean things will happen or come easy just because you dream they will. We all have things that to overcome but the trick is not to let anyone say you can't because of physical or metal hurdles. The author, Denise Zarrella said, "The stories I love doing the most are the ones that empower those who may not otherwise have a voice—especially those who live in poverty or who are disabled.” About the Book: Not Even The SKY Is The LIMIT, is a book showcasing the abilities of children and adults with Down Syndrome. The book is the result of the author’s own beautiful journey to find out what life with her daughter would be like. Turn the pages

Book Review Tuesday: The OWL Who Couldn't WHOO

“Join Ollie on his adventure in searching for his sister and learning the significance of being different.” About the Book: While providing insightful perspectives on diversity, The OWL Who Couldn’t WHOO offers educators, libraries, parents and young readers a fresh new look on anti-bullying and self-confidence. My girls really enjoyed this book. My youngest loved saying all of Ollie’s special words (“WHEERE!” or “WHEEN!” or “WHYY!” and sometimes “WHAAT!” ) and it was a great exercise for my oldest who is in speech to practice some of the words she has difficultly with in a fun new way. The author LeeAnna Kail wrote the book as more of a fun story to show how to get along with others who are different, but my family found other valuable things as you can see written with in the pages. One reason why this writing mama feels picture books are important to have within your bookshelves.  The story is simply told with just enough details within the illustrations and co

Author LeeAnna Kail on the Stories for Children show - BTR's Featured World of Ink Network

Author LeeAnna Kail on Blog Talk Radio’s  Featured World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children - August 12, 2013  Host Virginia S Grenier will be chatting with Debut Author LeeAnna Kail about her recently released children's picture book, The Owl WHO Couldn't WHOO published by Halo Publishing, Int. About the Book: Ollie is known for one thing in his village: he is the only owl who cannot “WHOO.” The other owls tease him for saying “WHEERE!” or “WHEEN!” or “WHYY!” and sometimes “WHAAT!” All Ollie wants is to fit in, but when his little sister gets lost in the woods, Ollie discovers he can help. Join Ollie on his adventure in searching for his sister and learning the significance of being different. About the Author : Ever since LeeAnna Kail was little, she had an interest in writing. In fact, when she was in the fourth grade, she completed a career project and dressed as an author with dreams of writing her own book one day. LeeAnna attended Duquesn

New Picture Book Project

Nothing makes an author more happy than having one or more of their children following in their footsteps. My son, who is graduating this year, wrote a picture in 3rd grade as a class project. The teacher had it published and family members bought the book. I hoped he would follow in my love of writing and sharing stories with others...he didn't. Instead he fell in love with art, computer games and political science. My middle child however surprised me over this summer. My daughter has been supportive of my writing and loves reading, but she never seemed interested beyond this. She has been my girlie girl, who loves going to plays, watching movies, painting and playing dress-up. Don't get me wrong, she is also the only one who plays a sport (soccer), even though she hates running and P.E. in school. So what was the surprise? She dropped a few pieces of paper on my writing desk while I was out one day and on it was a short story about a lonely fish. At first, I did what m

Monday on June 17th Author Dr. Aaron Chokan will be Our Guest on The Stories for Children Show at Blog Talk Radio

 Join Host Virignia S Grenier as she talks with Halo Publishing's debut children's book author Aaron Chokan. Dr. Chokan has been a successful, practicing foot and ankle specialist for 10 years.  Currently, he is owner and founder of Ohio Foot and Ankle Center with 4 locations in Northeast Ohio.  He lives in Hudson, Ohio with his loving wife and 5 children: Hunter, Reece, Finlay, Calais and Lucia and their dog Paisley.  Dr. Chokan is an avid golfer and tennis player. You can find out more about Dr. Aaron Chokan, his picture book series and World of Ink Author/Book Tour at Follow Dr. Aaron Chokan at Facebook The Adventures of Lai-Lai and Chub-Chub is a sweet picture book series about friendship and growing up. ISBN-10: 1612441505 ISBN: 9781612441504 Hardback Written by Dr. Aaron Chokan Illustrations by Amy Rottinger Genre: Picture Book Halo Publishing, Int. Show link

Interview Friday with Dr. Aaron Chokan

Dr. Chokan has been a successful, practicing foot and ankle specialist for 10 years.  Currently, he is owner and founder of Ohio Foot and Ankle Center with 4 locations in Northeast Ohio.  He lives in Hudson, Ohio with his loving wife and 5 children: Hunter, Reece, Finlay, Calais and Lucia and their dog Paisley.  Dr. Chokan is an avid golfer and tennis player. VS: I want to thank you for being my guest here on The Writing Mama today. What do you do to help balance your writing life with your family life? Chokan : In my life, I have such a wonderful wife who is able to care for our children and keep our life in order. She is the glue to our whole family. My writing life seems to be able to keep it separate since it does not consume me. My kids are my palate and my template that I follow and without them, I have no stories. VS: How long have you been writing? Chokan: About a year. VS: What inspired you to write your book? Chokan: My inspiration was my d