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Showing posts with the label inspirational books

Book Review: Not Even the SKY is the LIMIT!

It's not often you find yourself trying to find the right words about a book. This is one of those times. Not Even the SKY is the LIMIT! is a book all families should pick up. It inspires, motivates and expresses no matter what we all have dreams. There are no limits beyond the ones we place on ourselves. However, it doesn't mean things will happen or come easy just because you dream they will. We all have things that to overcome but the trick is not to let anyone say you can't because of physical or metal hurdles. The author, Denise Zarrella said, "The stories I love doing the most are the ones that empower those who may not otherwise have a voice—especially those who live in poverty or who are disabled.” About the Book: Not Even The SKY Is The LIMIT, is a book showcasing the abilities of children and adults with Down Syndrome. The book is the result of the author’s own beautiful journey to find out what life with her daughter would be like. Turn the pages

Guest Post Wed: Elizabeth Kail Arnita's Inspiration

What is the inspiration behind writing “Baby Come Home”? When I hear of taste or see something good, I have to let others know. The same rings true for a good story. “Baby Come Home” was inspired by a true-life story that proved to be a good life lesson. My daughter was in the rebellious teen years when every rule was viewed as a hindrance to her growing up and enjoying life. She would often tell me I was caging her and stopping her from experiencing the world.    At that time, we had a beautiful bird named “Baby”. He belonged to my son, Sam. He was an unusually friendly bird that seemed to enjoy exploring our home from the perch of someone’s shoulder. Often we would take Baby outside, but kept him in the confinement of his cage. My daughter seemed to have transposed her feelings of entrapment onto Baby and decided one day he didn’t need a cage outside. She defiantly placed him on her shoulder and preceded to head outside, thinking the bird loved her too much to fly aw