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Book Review: Not Even the SKY is the LIMIT!

It's not often you find yourself trying to find the right words about a book. This is one of those times. Not Even the SKY is the LIMIT! is a book all families should pick up. It inspires, motivates and expresses no matter what we all have dreams. There are no limits beyond the ones we place on ourselves. However, it doesn't mean things will happen or come easy just because you dream they will. We all have things that to overcome but the trick is not to let anyone say you can't because of physical or metal hurdles. The author, Denise Zarrella said, "The stories I love doing the most are the ones that empower those who may not otherwise have a voice—especially those who live in poverty or who are disabled.” About the Book: Not Even The SKY Is The LIMIT, is a book showcasing the abilities of children and adults with Down Syndrome. The book is the result of the author’s own beautiful journey to find out what life with her daughter would be like. Turn the pages

2013 St. George Area Book Festival: Speakers & Events

Speakers & Events 2013 St. George Area Book Festival October 14th—19th, 2013 Jon Sebba, 2013 Utah Poet of the Year Recipient, was born in South Africa. As a student in Jerusalem, he worked cataloging 19th Century medical journals, as well as at the Hydrology Institute. He also worked as a laborer in the construction of Jerusalem apartment buildings and of evaporation lagoons at the Dead Sea (1400 feet below sea level) with summer temperatures topping 115°F. When the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six Day War began, he was married with one child. As a reservist, he was mobilized to fight in Jerusalem. Among the things he learned from that experience are: death in war is random; wars should definitely be avoided; and given the choice, few soldiers would ever start one. In 1968, Jon immigrated to the US to study civil engineering, arriving the day before Rev. Martin Luther King was assassinated. En route, he worked as a lorry driver in London for four months. He has