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Meeting Sisters Judy Snider and Joan Dickow, Authors of I Love You, Be Careful - Books - Blogcritics

Meeting Sisters Judy Snider and Joan Dickow, Authors of I Love You, Be Careful - Books - Blogcritics

There are days you may want to put blinders on our eyes, so as you look around you are not suddenly filled with idea after idea. This is how author Judy Snider feels sometimes. “I love to write and it seems odd to me if a day goes by that I don’t write something. Yet, the ideas floating around me sometimes make it hard to select the one I want to use.”

Judy lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia with her husband, Gil and two silly cats. She is the author of the CWA award-winning children’s picture book Goldy’s Baby Socks and one of a team of authors who wrote The Scared Purse.

Okay, maybe you’re not like Judy, but I’m sure you understand having too many things going on at once. This is why I loved her recent book, co-authored with her sister Joan Dickow; I Love You, Be Careful. It is a picture book that is also designed to be a gift book for adults and children, which shares these words that follow us our entire lives and sometimes we may not say often enough. The idea of I Love You, Be Careful started from a telephone conversation when the sisters talked about wanting their loved ones to be safe and know how much they are loved.


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