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Showing posts from 2014

To all my friends and followers here...Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

Interview Friday: Dennis Marcoux - Children's Picture Book Author

Dennis Marcoux lived in Worcester, Massachusetts for most of his life and now resides in Cape Coral, Florida. He has been writing children stories and poems for many years and is passionate about children reading to expand their imagination. In his spare time, you can find him reading books as a volunteer in elementary schools and children's hospitals. He is a member of the Gulf Coast Writers Association of Fort Myers, Florida   VS: What do you do to help balance your writing life with your family life? Dennis: I do not have a typical routine. I write whenever ideas and thoughts enter my mind.   My   imagination is like a jig saw puzzle.   Sometimes the pieces do not always fall into place easily . It has been a humbling experience, especially when children and parents express to me how much they enjoyed my book.   VS: What inspired you to write your book? Dennis: I was inspired by my Granddaughter M...