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There's No Magic Formula for Becoming a Better Writer‏

If you’re trying to become a better writer, you should know that there is not quick-fix or magic formula that will suddenly transform you into a good writer in three simple steps. Becoming a better writer is obviously a long-term undertaking, but many writers consider that they have a gift that simply has to be unlocked by the same magic key that published, top writers possess. The simple truth about improving your writing is that you have to practice your craft continually and consistently. Experiment with your writing, do some planning, revision, then revisit what you have been doing. Challenge yourself by establishing deadlines and competitions. Push yourself, find out about your limits and your writing will soon reward you. Try writing something that another writer inspired you, then write a few lines completely your own. However, you won’t improve your writing style by writing in a vacuum. You must also make efforts to improve by reading the works of other writers, be it fi...

Milo Series Book Spotlight

Today I'm sharing with you a wonderful series of books written by Lisa Umina. Lisa Umina’s cute and cuddly character, Milo has accompanied her around the globe as she has shared her mission through humor, live entertainment and faith. The Milo book series gives children a compelling message that children can talk to God anytime, anywhere…about anything. Lisa Umina is the owner of Halo Publishing International. Lisa not only publishes books but also enjoys a successful career as an award-winning author, motivational speaker and literary consultant. Lisa´s publishing company continues to flourish by strengthening the movement of words across the international borders in order to benefit cultures and society as a whole. She has been interviewed by countless newspapers, radio and television shows, and has traveled the world to teach children about their purpose and important life lessons inside her books. Milo Finds His Best Friend [Paperback] Lisa M Umina (Author), Chad Thomp...

Guest Post with illustrator Ronda Eden - part of the World of Ink May '11 Virtual Tour

Publishing Tips (dos and don'ts) By Ronda Eden Illustrator of "The Brothers Foot" This is the one I’m betting Steve, the author, is avoiding. I know this because we are alike in that promotion, publishing and all the business parts of our work is hardly our forte. Like most artists, we just want to be left alone to do our art. We are however, making an effort...but it’s not easy. I think I could offer a few tips though as I do some writing for children as well.   First: Keep up with the latest trends and how things are quickly changing. Second: As much as you may not like Facebook and other social networks, they are fast becoming a necessity if you want to get the word out there. Do keep some boundaries tough. It’s easy to get distracted and led astray. Third: Be careful of self-publishing companies. Make sure you understand the costs involved. Realize you are probably going to have to buy your own books and usually in bulk to get any kind of profit margin. Some of th...