I woke this morning to begin my daily routine to find some exciting (or interesting news) in my email. Now, I have a lot of writers and published authors who have asked me at conferences, on blog talk radio shows or in passing conversations if I feel certain social media outlets are really worth the time and effort. One such social platform is LinkedIn. To be honest, I never really had an opinion about LinkedIn. What I mean is I don't pay for advance services or options for my profile account. I have the basic free account, I'm in a few groups (who send me digest updates of discussions) and I get "Connect" requests. My profile is basic and does give a nice quick snapshot on all I do and have done. I don't promote my LinkedIn profile at all. In fact, I think it is my least maintained social media platform I have. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw an email from LinkedIn saying my profile is one the Top 5% Most Viewed LinkedIn Profiles. Really? But it d...
Opening a Chapter of Inspiration Served with a Heavy Dose of Reality