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VS Grenier Update

Some people wonder if years of hard work really pay off. Well it all depends on what you feel a good pay off is. I know for me a good pay off is seeing my hard work noticed by others, instead of the monetary compensation. Why? Because I like knowing what I'm doing is not only helping me grow but also helping others as well. As an author and freelance editor is it nice to be paid for my work. I need money to pay my bills, take my kids on fun outings, etc. However, the feeling I get when I get published or help another writer achieve their goals/dreams is nothing money can even come close to. Do I hope to make it BIG one day? It would be nice, but it isn't my goal. I don't dream of swimming in a pool full of money and living in some HUGE house I would have to hire a team of people to clean. What I do dream about is making a difference in people's lives and my leaving a legacy behind for my children, their children and the many generations after them. I'm happy t

Guest Post Wed: I’m A Great Writer…In My Own Head

Today we have debut author Traci McDonald sharing her thoughts on writing, revision and critique groups.   A few years ago, I was listening to a series of audio books, while recovering from a kidney transplant. These particular novels were topping the best seller lists and taking the country by storm. I hated them. The characters were underdeveloped, the story line was too slow, and I was not engaged in the plot…blah, blah, blah. I can do better than this, I told myself. If I know what’s wrong with these books, then I can write better ones. Armed with my sure knowledge of how to be a great writer I set out to write a series of stories that would top this pathetic group I had been reading.  A year and a half later, I can’t read what I wrote; it is so bad. What was I thinking? Well, I was thinking that a little talent and determination are all you need to write good stories. While that may be true, being a great writer in your own head leaves your stories good for… on

November 2012: The Next BIG Thing Blog Hop

“From Twilight to 50 Shades of Grey, the past few years have been full of high profile reads. Love um or hate um, you have to admit you have at least heard of them.  As Independent Authors we all dare to dream we will be next, and well let’s face it, you never know...right? With that thought I jumped on this Hop which is basically an Independent Authors game of tag. One Author posts, and then tags five other Authors, who each link back to them, and you my fair reader have hopefully just increased your to read list. Finding New and Exciting Authors you may never have found otherwise.  Some of us are still writing, others are just being released, while others have many books published. Either way, for you Book Lovers, a treasure trove awaits and I’d like to thank fellow Author Lin Floyd for tagging me to participate.” Click the links to find out about Lin Floyd’s books. My Family History Website /       Blogs: http://lettersf