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What are Weedy Words?

I do a lot of editing for small publishers and one of the things I see a lot in the manuscripts I work on are weedy words. These weedy words are also known as weak modifiers. Writers tend to use these words hoping to intensify the meaning of a word or phrase. They also use them without knowing it because most people write as they would talk. However, when you use weedy words what happens is we tend to prop our sentences or paragraphs up with a modifier, which may have been strong once but is now weak from overuse. This happens a lot in normal speech. However, in writing it is better not to write has one would talk. Why, because it is important to make sure every word counts, for example: She gave them a very piercing glance. When she spoke, her voice was really bitter. The weedy words or weak modifiers are "very" and "really" in this sentence. By deleting these two words you will see how much more impact the statement has. She gave them a pierc

Article Wednesday: Choosing Goals Right for You

The selection of any goals is something one should take seriously considering that what you want may not always be right for you. Deciding upon what your goals are going to be should be made only after carefully considering certain factors behind your decision. Learning how to set goals that truly benefit you either personally or professionally is more of a process and less of an impulsive choice. By simply reviewing the factors that led to your choice of any particular goal, you can better determine if it is right for you. Achieving goals usually involves work, commitment and sacrifice so it's best to be sure the goal is worth your time and effort. Here are 3 things you want to consider when establishing the goals you choose to pursue: Are Your Goals Realistic Establishing realistic goals is always the first step in your selection process. It serves no purpose to pursue something you're not capable of attaining. An atheist is not going to be the pope, a bli

A Mother’s Reflection on a Busy Monday

It’s funny how I tried to cut back on everything I was doing before Sabrina was born, but no matter how much I try . . . I find myself busier than ever. Take today for instance. I woke up at 6:30 am and hopped into the shower. Once ready for the day, the kids were awake and ready for breakfast. After that, I jumped on the computer to get a few blog post up, some marketing sent out, and checked emails. Then it was time to rush out of the house. I had to go get my driving record and take a drug test. For what you wonder . . . well I’m going to be an on call crossing guard for my city. I was thinking about doing it full-time, but with a baby and everything I do in the World of Ink . . . let’s just say this was a better choice. Anyway, so I am dashing all over my county to get these things taken care of when it hits me. I have to be back home by 2pm my time to make for my interview on Chirp with Peggy & Jon on Red River Radio. For those who popped in and listed to the show and my

A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with special guest on the HOLLYWOOD COMES TO CHICAGO show is Ruth Ratny

Today, August 2 at 8pm Central join RED RIVER RADIO host Marsha Cook and her co - hosts April Robin, Freda Roberts and Virginia S. Grenier. This week’s show is going to be filled with exciting segments that you won't want to miss. The special guest on the HOLLYWOOD COMES TO CHICAGO show is Ruth Ratny. She is a true legend which is why she has recently been given The Chicago International Film Festival’s Hugo Legend Award. She is the owner of a very successful online trade publication, REEL CHICAGO, . Everyone in Chicago knows Ruth and waits for her publication just to see what’s going on in Chicago that they should know about. Also on the show we have April’s Pick, Virginia’s Perspective and Freda’s Favorite Films. So join in for the fun and listen to, A Good Story is Good Story, you’ll be glad you did.

Writing Prompt Monday: Mini Stories

Below are three sets of words. Use all the words in each set to write mini stories in 300 words or less: SET 1: paper clips, principal, lunchbox, swing girl with a pink ribbon SET 2: biology, class card, foreign student, leaf, blood sample SET 3: typewriter, filing cabinet, puncher, clerk, carbon paper, janitor Get a copy of Journal Sparks: 300 Questions to Journal About today and start experiencing the joy of journaling! Subscribe to CreativeSparks!, the official e-zine of and download a copy of the CreativeSparks! E-book (volume 1) free! Click here to read a sample issue of CreativeSparks! Use the creative writing prompts and creative writing ideas to create stories, poems and other creative pieces from your imagination. The writing prompts can even help you come up with creative content for blogs and blog stories.

I'm a guest on the blog talk radio show Chirp with Peggy Jon Today!

Robin Falls Kids - Chirp with Peggy & Jon We have an inspirational show for Robin Falls Kids on Monday, August 2nd at 3 pm CDT. Scheduled guests are Virginia S. Grenier of Stories for Children Magazine , the SFC Newletter for Writers and author of BABYSITTING SUGAR PAW; Dawn Deem Stephens will tell us about her delightful book, THE LITTLE POT; Jennifer Swanson, author of the Penny and Rio mystery series will explain her adventurous dogs; and Jennifer Mauter, author of the ILLUMINATION STATION will shed some light on good behavior.. All the authors exhibit a love of teaching children important life values while making reading seem like fun. Please join us. Here is the link to listen on demand or live at 3pm central

Get Up & Get Moving: Week 9

Well, this past week was another busy week at my house. I somehow hurt my rib cage on which pretty much kept me from doing any exercising. Not sure what I did or even how it happened, but it is pretty sore. My baby girl isn’t happy mommy can’t carry her around all day because it hurts too much. I’m hoping after another week of resting, I’ll be back up and moving around in less to no pain. So with that last thought here is the health tip for this week: 3 Risks of Fasting for Weight Loss August 2, 2010 Weight 187 July 19, 2010 Weight 188 Goal weight by December 31, 2010 130 I have been using a log to track my activity level and food intake each day. The site is totally FREE! Come join me on . Having a log can help you stay on track and really lets you see where you need to make impro

Preparing Manuscripts for Submission

I do freelance editing from time to time. Writers can hire me through my personal website ( ) or through the companies I have signed on as a freelance editor, such as Halo Publishing Int. The thing I find most interesting about editing a manuscript is how much of it could have been done before it reached me. I do not understand why a writer would not take the time to really prepare their manuscript for publication. If you think about it, editors read dozens of manuscripts every day, week, and month. Many of them read them at home since their offices are filled with manuscripts waiting to be proofed, edited, checking layouts, and so much more. Because of this, most editors form a quick impression based on how a manuscript is sent, written on the first couple of pages, and by its cover letter. Now, you do not need to run and hide or think, “Maybe I should just throw in the towel. There’s no way I can compete against all those professional writers.” If you f

Writing Prompt Monday: Are You an Object?

For this prompt, you’ll come up with a poem about an object that describes you. First, choose an object. Next, list down the reasons you think the object you chose represents you. From your list of reasons, which one is the most powerful? Which one conveys the strongest image of you? Once you’ve chosen your main image, list down things that support this main image. Build your poem from there. This prompt comes from

Get Up & Get Moving: Week 8

This is the week I don’t weigh myself. However, I am sure I have lost some weight after all the running around I did this past week. My kids are about ready to kill me. I made them completely clean out their rooms. Boy did their rooms need it. If a book wasn’t already written called the messy closet, I would have written it this weekend. My son’s room had wrappers from last Halloween hiding out. I even found some weird green slim. He, of course, did not know what it was or where it came from. I am thinking maybe aliens took him and that is why when I starting talking to him . . . he’s eyes glaze over and not one word enters his brain. My five year old on the other hand thinks under her bed is a great place to shove everything mommy wants to throw away. I guess she is still too young to part with her stuff. Even if half of it is broken or doesn’t ever get played with. She kept telling me, “The toys will be sad. Didn’t you watch Toy Story, Mommy?” I tired really hard not to lau