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"Brush Barry Brush" Gets Kids to Brush in a Fun Unique Way

Brush Barry Brush
Written by: Linda Valderrama R.D. H
Illustrations by: Sudi Memarzadeh
Publisher: Shirley’s Girl Publications
ISBN Number: 978-0-578-06605-9
Publication Date: 1/2011

Book Blurb:
Every parent knows that brushing after eating prevents tooth decay. Now, through vibrant and playful illustrations, this book will make teaching your child this basic yet very essential routine a fun and enjoyable experience. Together, you’ll love reading Barry’s story again and again!

Brush Barry Brush is a children's book that helps instill in young children the simple, but important, notion to brush their teeth each time after eating. It's no wonder Brush Barry Brush is a 2011 International Book Awards Finalist.

"The picture book is simple and bright, but it carries an important message..." ~San Diego Union
This is only one of many recommendation Brush Barry Brush as received. This book will help young children stick with a regular routine of brushing and maintaining a bright healthy smile with its unique story and fun chart with stickers.

In addition to writing Brush Barry Brush, Author Linda Valderrama R.D.H. has made it her mission to educate San Diego's youth, by hosting speaking engagements, book signings and future seminars.

"This is a delightful and effective introduction to the 'wonderful world' of oral hygiene for preschoolers. It won't be long before Barry is as popular as the tooth fairy! Age appropriate and lots of fun for all. Highly recommended." ~ Gail Flacks, Early Childhood Educator

The July '11 World of Ink Virtual Tour is just another way for Valderrama to reach out to parents and their children about her mission. Her goal is to minimize our nation's significant, yet mostly preventable childhood disease, tooth decay.

You can find out more about Linda Valderrama’s July '11 World of Ink Virtual Tour schedule at There will be giveaways, reviews, interviews, guest posts and more. Make sure to stop by and interact with Valderrama and the hosts at the different stops by leaving comments and/or questions. Valderrama will be checking in throughout the tour and is offering an additional giveaway for those who leave comments throughout the tour.

In addition, come listen to Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children at The hosts VS Grenier, Kris Quinn Chirstopherson and Irene Roth will be chatting with Linda Valderrama R.D. H. about her book, writing, the publishing industry and experiences with virtual tours. Margot will also be sharing writing tips and trials, and tribulations of the writer’s life.

The show will be live July 18, 2011 at 2pm EST. You can tune in at the World of Ink Network site at You can listen/call in at (714) 242-5259. (Note: if you can’t make the show, you can listen on demand at the same link.)

Book Giveaway Rules:
One entry for each comment left per author virtual blog tour stop. (Must leave a real comment about the author, tour or book. Saying “this is cool” or “I love your book” will not count.) 
Make sure to include your safe email so we can contact you if you are the winner. 
Example: vsgrenier AT storiesforchildrenpublishing DOT com.

        Ask a question – get a bonus entry per author virtual blog tour stop.

Book Giveaway ends July 31, 2011


~Next World of Ink Stops for Linda Valderrama~

July 6th
Writing to the Hearts of Children- Book Review

July 7th
Families Matter Blog – Interview

July 8th
Stories for Children Magazine FG Interview

Places where book is available for sale:
Posies and Ponies, La Jolla CA
Fireside Bookstore, Chagrin Falls OH
The Yellow Book Road, San Diego CA
Shirley’s Girl Publications


  1. This looks like a great book to help children learn about brushing their teeth in a fun way. Nice video!

  2. Connie, thanks for posting a comment. I have found the best way to encourage kids to cooperate is by making the idea of toothbrushing fun so that they will want to to brush their teeth after eating.

  3. Virginia, I thank you for hosting me today on your wonderful website! Above all, I appreciate all of your valuable help and support for me and our book ("Brush Barry Brush") along the tour.

  4. we are at this stage...this looks like a fun and entertaining book!


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