Come join VS Greiner each Monday on BTR’s World of Ink Network's The Stories for Children Show.
Airs live 2pm EST - 1pm CT - 12pm MT - 11am PST
The idea of this show is to bring children's authors together with their readers. Each show our listeners will learn about a new or award-winning author, their books and the inspiration behind their writing.
This week Kasey Crawford Kellem, creator of the Mind Over Matter (M.O.M.) Books will be joining the show. Kellem, a School Counselor and former Special Education Teacher, has devoted her life to helping children facing adversity. She has earned a Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree in Special Education and an Educational Specialist Degree in Counseling.
The Mind Over Matter Books are geared towards young children to help them learn how to be resilient. These books are designed to also serve as decorations in a child’s bedroom or playroom on book shelves, nightstands, or desks.
BELIEVE is the first of five books emphasizing the important factors for resiliency. In this book, children will learn to BELIEVE in their possibilities.
Published by Halo Publishing, Int.
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The Stories for Children Show with VS Grenier 02/20 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
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