Writers On The Move: Writing Means Commitment : This morning I had messages from two students. Both have important exams this week. One emailed to say she had not time to do anything but revise. The other, who is studying for several exams at degree level, sent me the final revisions for her noir novel, due to be published in August. That was commitment:: commitment to her book, to her editor, to her publisher. Commitment to writing for publication means taking on board all aspects of the job--and yes, it is a job. It may be creative, it may be an art, it may allow you to work flexi-time. But writing has all the same pressures as any other business--research and development, selection of the best materials for the job, deadlines, attention to detail, scrupulous checking and discarding when necessary to ensure a perfect product. No matter what is happening in your life, writing and the commitment to completing projects with set ...
Opening a Chapter of Inspiration Served with a Heavy Dose of Reality