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VS Grenier Update: Internet Radio

I've been asked to be the guest on the Internet podcast show called AuthorsAccess on Thursday October 18, 2012 at 8pm EST.

As many of know from following my blog, internet radio isn't unknown to me, however, it has been some time that I have been a guest on a show. Not only will I be on AuthorsAccess this coming Thursday, I will also be a guest on Bennet Pomerantz's show ANYTHING GOES ( on October 26, 2012 too.

I love doing blog talk radio not only as host but as a guest when I do get the chance.  It's a wonderful way to build your author platform, share your tips and thoughts about the industry and even learn something new. Actually, I'm always learning something new on each and every show I am on. 

I hope you can tune in into these upcoming shows or catch them later on demand. It's going to be a fun month that has already proven to be one of my busiest months in a very long time as I just got back from a writer's conference this past weekend in St. George, Utah and will be heading off again this Saturday to Kanab, Utah for another one. 

Wishing you all much success as your journey into the World of Ink!


  1. These phonographic bodies gave gone mad since the services like spotify have been launched. In the US and UK they have seen that streaming media is a great revenue and are now hitting our favourite online stations... Lets help to keep them alive.


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