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Am I Really on Hiatus?

At the beginning of this year, I put Stories for Children Magazine on hiatus so I could focus on my new baby, my other two children, my hubby (of course), SFC Newsletter for Writers and my personal writing. However, I have found that instead of just doing those things, I have added to my To Do list. One of the things I added to my hiatus To Do list is this blog.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love writing and posting weekly and even daily here. I love sharing thoughts with you when you leave comments. I also love doing the weekly interviews and finding out more about other writing mamas (and hopefully writing dads soon). But now I’ve added another item to my list. Every Monday night at 8pm central time, I will be the assistant on a blog talk radio show through Red River Radio starting July 12, 2010. I am really excited about this opportunity. Not only because I will be working with some great authors (April Robins, Marsha Cook, and Freda Roberts), but I will also be learning a new medium.

I will share more about the show in the upcoming days and will post here weekly the shows link so you can listen in, call in, and even post questions in the chat room, which is where I will be working. Each show will have guest and will be kind of like the View on TV. That is about all I can share right now. Tomorrow is my training on how everything will work. The best part is I get to do it all from home. Making life as a writing mama a bit easier, or so one would think.

Actually, my fourteen year old has started taking fencing lessons and guess what . . . they just happen to be on Monday nights. So I’ll be a crazy person running from fencing lessons to my home each Monday night. Luckily, for me, everything is close by and I will be able to get home with some time to spare before I have to log on for the show. My only worry is Sabrina (my five-month-old baby). Normally she takes a catnap about the time the show starts, so let’s hope she doesn’t change her schedule. If she does, I guess her big brother will have to help out. He’s pretty good about holding her while I try and get some writing time in or when I’m wrapping up something I’m working on. The only one I do not need to worry about is my five year old. All I have to do is pop in a movie and she’s good to go.

Having three kids in the house can be a bit taxing at time, but they also make what I do worth it. Until next time, keep writing.


  1. Congrats Virginia on the new position! I have a feeling you will do a terrific job.

    Best to you,
    Kim Sponaugle

  2. Wow Virginia! You are going to be busy. I'll try to check out the show sometime.

  3. Your creative mind is keeping you moving in the right direction, Virgiria. It just means you will never give up your dream while you are busy living your everyday life!
    Good luck!

  4. Congratulations Virginia. Something I have been wondering about thos radio talk shows from the home is how it is set up in tje home. Do you just talk on the phone or do you have some kind of radio thingy. Also, do you know what number is the station here in the greater Cincinnati area. As you might remember, I'm OLD and all these new radio names that keep changing frazzle me. I would really love to listen to the program. And is it FM or AM.

    Wishing your vocal chords well....


  5. Congratulations on your new venture! I know you will be terrific at it!

  6. Thanks everyone. I'm really looking forward to it. The training went really well today.

    Bev-the show is only online. I'll have a link on this blog every Monday with the shows details and time.

  7. The radio show sounds like an interesting opportunity. You are one brave and energetic soul to be willing to tackle it. Good luck.

  8. That is wonderful, Virginia! Congrats! I think we writers love to add stuff to our plates. We say we don't but then we do; we get rid of one thing but then add another. It's like an addiction! :-)

  9. Virginia, I'm convinced tasks will multiply to exceed the available time.

  10. Virginia,

    Congratulations on your new project - sounds like fun!


  11. You always inspire me, Virginia! I'm excited to listen to the radio show! Congrats!

  12. Again thanks everyone for your support and comments. I'll be posting more about the show on Thursday's post.


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