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A Good Story Is A Good Story

I am the new assistant on A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY at Blog Talk Radio. I will be working the phone lines, chat room, and popping in with questions throughout the show. Below is a bit more about the show.

Each Monday at 8pm Central, join host Marsha Cook, her two co-Hosts April Robins and Freda Roberts, and show assistant Virginia S. Grenier.

A little about the hosts of the show: Marsha Cook is a screenwriter, novelist and the President of Marcus Bryan & Associates and Michigan Avenue Media.

April Robins is the CEO of Robin Falls, the creator of a wonderfully talented network of writers as well as a children's author.

Freda Roberts is a talented writer and the creator of the Literary Lounge on Facebook.

Virginia S. Grenier is the Founder/Owner of Stories for Children Publishing LLC, a freelance editor, and children’s author.

All four of these women, especially Freda, have learned how to be successful in the social network community. Marsha has been the host since the show began, but she has added April Robins and Freda Roberts has her co-Hosts, along with Virginia S. Grenier as their show assistant.

A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY now has a new time (Monday 8pm Central), which will allow listeners to hear the show live instead of on demand, however, on demand will be available when the show is over. Our guests will be entertainers, novelists, screenwriters, directors, producers, publishers, and publicists. There will be a special male guest co-Host every week.

Join us this Monday July 12, 2010 at 8pm Central and meet Craig Clyde. He’s a screenwriter, novelist, and Movie Director. Craig has directed over eighteen films and he will be discussing his new film ROOTBEER CHRISTMAS.

A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY has a new and exciting addition that will really spice things up … Movie and Television reviews! If you have a television show or a favorite movie, you want to talk about, go into the chat room or make a call. Please feel free to call in at 646-595- 4478. The chat lines will be open and we welcome callers.

It’s time to talk entertainment. Forget the stress and join Marsha, April, Freda and Virginia every Monday night at 8pm Central. You will be glad you did!

A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY is going to be fun, informative and very entertaining.


  1. Much congrats to you, Virginia. I can't wait to tune in.

    Karin Larson

  2. Sounds like a fun and interesting show. I'll mark my calendar.

  3. V.S.,
    Congratulations on this new venture.
    J. Aday Kennedy
    The Differently-Abled Writer
    Children's Book Author & Inspirational Spokesperson
    Klutzy Kantor & Marta Gargantuan Wings

  4. Thanks so much. I hope you will listen in this coming Monday July 12th. I'm really looking forward to doing this. Something different, but still a part of writing.

  5. Virginia, so great to see you on BTR! I will try to tune in to listen. With all of guys on this show it should be great!!!

  6. Congrats Virginia. Will try to to tune in.


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