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Guest Post by Author Mary Cunningham

Cynthia's Attic - Inspiring Young Readers and Writers

Writers love to write. It's a passion. But, I discovered another benefit writing for children that I didn’t anticipate. Who knew how much fun I’d have visiting schools and interacting with my target audience? I’ve created several slide presentations that are informative and fun, but the question/answer session is most entertaining. For instance, I'm amazed at the number of elementary and middle-school students who not only love to read, but want to know what it takes to become a published author. 

Questions like, “How did you find your publisher?” or, “Who edits your books?” One of the most asked questions is, “Who did your cover?” I love sharing information about one of the best graphic artists in the business, Nathalie Moore. Although the artist and the publisher have the final say, my ideas are always considered. 

Naturally, the inevitable questions come up; “How much money do you make?” (Don’t quit your day job, kids), or “How old are you?” After admitting that the first “Cynthia’s Attic” book was written about ten years ago, one crafty student asked, “How old were you ten years ago?” 

One of my favorite moments, however, came when a 5th grader approached me and stated, "I'm going to be a famous author. I want you to know that." She gave a little head toss, turned and walked away. I took it as a challenge. Enjoy the limelight, lady, because I'm coming after you! I have no doubt she will be successful on whatever path she chooses.

Although inspiring young readers is my ultimate goal, I encourage young readers and writers to explore their family history. One of the main reasons that compelled me to write the "Cynthia's Attic Series" is my regret at not asking my grandparents about their lives and childhood experiences.  If I can encourage just one child to spend time with a relative such as a grandparent, great aunt, mother or dad – and write about the experience, I’ll consider that a sense of accomplishment. 

About the Author: Mary Cunningham is the author of the award-winning 'Tween fantasy/mystery series, Cynthia’s Attic. Her children's mystery series was inspired by a recurring dream about a mysterious attic. After realizing that the dream took place in the home of her childhood friend, Cynthia, the dreams stopped and the writing began.

She is also co-writer of the humor-filled lifestyle book titled, WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty, Christmas With Daisy, and Ghost Light, a short story inspired by her Indiana basketball roots. 

Cunningham is a member of The Georgia Reading Association, the Carrollton Creative Writers Club, and the Pulpwood Queens Book Club. When she gives her fingers a day away from the keyboard, she enjoys golf, swimming and exploring the mountains of West Georgia where she makes her home with her husband. 
Together they've raised three creative children.

Cynthia’s Attic: The Magician’s Castle (Book Four): Sebastien the Great, a magician whose fiancée, Kathryn, disappears through the magic trunk, vows revenge. If Cynthia and Gus don't find a missing page from the “Book of Spells,” Cynthia’s family could face financial and personal ruin.

The twelve-year-old best friends walk through miles of tree tunnels, stumble on an enchanted garden ruled by a cranky rock monster, and receive clues from an eccentric fairy named Eloise Elloway. They get the surprise of their lives when they're sent fifty years into the future, have a shocking encounter with another set of best friends, and gather a fresh set of clues that could lead to breaking the magician’s spell.   


Cynthia’s Attic: The Magician’s Castle Blog Tour 2011

The Magician’s Castle Blog Tour 2011

Feb 23, 2011 – Talent Tuesday - Quake Blog promo
Feb. 28, 2011 – Book promo - Jennifer Wylie
March 1, 2011 – Interview - Writer J. A. (Julie) Campbell   
March 2, 2011 – Inspiring Young Readers and Writers - The Writing Mama Blog
March 3, 2011 – Brick by Brick - Cheryl Malandrinos TC & TBC
March 4, 2011 – Cynthia’s Attic, Werewolves and Vampires - Chris Verstraete – The Candid Canine Blog -
Featured Author Interview-Summer 2011 issue of Stories for Children Magazine –V.S. Grenier, Editor   V S Grenier

Feb 23, 2011 - Quake Blog
Feb. 28, 2011 Book promo -Jennifer Wylie Blog

Mar 2, 2011 - Interview - Writer J. A. Campbell Blog


  1. Thanks, Virginia, for the opportunity to guest post on your fabulous blog!

    I'll check in to see if anyone has questions. Ask away!



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