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Tips to Help You Find Your Writing Voice

Editors and readers alike will usually ignore the voiceless writers who write stale, uninteresting articles. What everybody is looking for is a fresh voice that will get readers' attention.

Basically, your voice means your style, the manner in which you're writing and you feel most comfortable writing. No one will be really able to define what a writer's voice is, but everybody knows it when they see it.

Finding your writing voice can be a difficult and complex process. Believe it or not, even the famous writers took years to find their voice. Writing courses and workshops can help writers find their voice. However, there things you can do starting right now to find your writing voice.

Here are some tips on how you can add your own voice to your written work:

1. Be original. Many new writers follow in the footsteps of the established writers they admire. This may often result in plain lack of creativity for the writer. So try to break any patterns you have by writing something original and new every time you start to create.

2. Write from the heart. If you don't feel what you write, if you are not in touch with yourself, probably your readers won't be either. You'll find your voice in the most intense moments -- when you feel like grabbing a pencil and writing away.

3. Simple is better. Many writers strive to express themselves in complicated ways. But keep it simple and write as you speak. Record yourself speaking and then compare it to your pieces.

4. Learn to edit. It is easy to be carried away once you start writing. Sometimes, you may need to cut some of the pieces you have written just to add more value to the essence. Your voice will come through if you continually distill your writing.

5. Don't listen too much to your inner critic. Your inner self could give you constructive criticisms, but it could also prevent you from finding your voice. Listen to your inner critic, but don't allow it to interfere while you're still in the writing process.

6. Be open. Learn to open yourself every time you write. Reveal your innermost desires, hopes, fears and dreams. If you feel embarrassed, perhaps it's your voice showing up.

Now that you have some ideas about how to find your voice, discovery will be a lot easier. What are you waiting for? Start writing and finding your voice!

Copyright © Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

About Shery: Shery is the creator of WriteSparks!™- a software that generates over 10 *million* Story Sparkers for Writers. Download WriteSparks!™ Lite for free at


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