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Stories for Children Magazine May ’11 Issue Now Available

Stories for Children Magazine is pleased to announce the May 2011 issue is now available for purchase and download at the SFCMagazine website

Going into its fourth year of publication, this award-winning Ezine has delighted children around the world for three years, and features works and interviews from children’s authors and illustrators from top publishers to small indie publications, along with offering free worksheets to educators and home-school parents, coloring pages, crafts, thought provoking articles and inspiring stories.

Stories for Children Magazine’s May 2011 issue features multi award-winning author Bobbie Hinman of the Best Book Fairy series. Bobbie Hinman has a degree in Elementary Education and thanks to her teaching experience (and ten grand children), she is right at home when it comes to creating stories that reveal some of the less practical and more magical explanations for life’s little mysteries. After all, who better to blame it on than a fairy?

Stories for Children Magazine placed in the Top Ten for Best Magazine in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry in the Preditors & Editors Readers Poll in 2007 & 2008, and is recognized and respected on the internet by Family Friendly Site, KidZui and Disability Network. So come take an adventure in the World of Ink with Stories for Children Magazine

Learn more about Stories for Children Magazine at


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